Friday, May 4, 2007


Late last year through an unfortunate set of circumstances, I was let go from my job. I was devastated to say the least. During the relatively short period of time that I was unemployed I found myself taking a hard look at my life and many of the choices that I have made. I learned a lot about myself during that time. Most of what I realized about myself is that I have a lot of illusions about who I really am verses how the rest of the world sees me. I started to keep a journal and I wrote in it everyday for a while. It helped me get through those days and weeks. What I'm hoping to do here is continue that same idea, albeit in a public and more entertaining way.
Also during that time I came across a blog called The Daily Martini. I absolutely love this blog. I found myself checking for updates every couple of hours. Pictures, videos, recipes, cute stories, links, and whatever the latest trends are this guy has it! One post in particular caught my attention Love As I See It. I read, or rather looked at it and was very affected by just those few expressions of love that were pictured. I was compelled to e-mail the site's author with a quick comment about how I felt. It was hard to describe. I was so out of touch with my own identity, that I had forgotten about something so simple. Something that defines us all as human beings, the way in which we love.
Losing my job changed my life in a lot of ways. I still keep in touch with some of the people that I used to work with. There are others that I just don't see or talk to anymore, and still others that probably don't want to see or talk to me anymore. Either way, because of the intensity of my experiences over the years of employment with them I would be remiss if I didn't include them in this dedication. Thank you guys. You know who you are. . .
To my friends, former co-workers, "N", The Daily Martini, and to Love As I See It this is for you.


Anonymous said...

How extraordinary. And such a blessing to know that I helped someone find their voice. Sing Out Louise! wink

Taylor The Latte Boy said...

Welcome to the world of blogging, Christopher. The Daily Martini was a big inspiration for me to start my blog and podcast as well. I'll be sure to keep checking out your new site - I'm excited to see how you and your site grow with time....
