Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ban Divorce

This billboard was put up in a Chicago neighborhood. That's right Chicago, Illinois. A state where a group called The Illinois Family Institute, is working very hard to get same sex marriage, civil unions, and any other form of domestic partnership constitutionally banned. Protect Marriage Illinois, a group formed by The Illinois Family Institute specifically to work on the "problem" of gay marriage, is actively seeking to get a referendum on same sex marriage put on the November ballot. Their goal like other similar groups is to "protect" marriage. This group, like Dick Cheney out hunting quail, has the wrong target. If they want to protect marriage perhaps they should get a petition to ban divorce or at least a ban on billboards advocating divorce. This morning as I was flipping through the news channels I saw several discussions taking place about this billboard, including one on The View. Everyone seems to agree that this ad is pretty inappropriate. Very few people seem to understand the fact that it's this type of mentality that threatens the "sanctity of marriage". There is no threat to marriage when two people of the same sex who love each other unconditionally want to have the same rights as everyone else.

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